Maia Rabbit Vibrator Sale

Yes, we’re your favorite sex store near you, but we also know a thing or two about poetry/spoken word. Not only is April National Poetry Month, it’s rabbit season!

Abstract image with text about discount and smaller image of a Maia Vibrator.

Yes, we’re your favorite sex store near you, but we also know a thing or two about poetry/spoken word.

Not only is April National Poetry Month, it’s rabbit season!

Well, the season is really two weeks (April 1st-15th) — And you can get 20% off Maia Rabbit Vibrators

This offer is only available for in store purchases, but you can view more Maia toy products in the catalog section of Thee Fantasy Shoppe website.

With that, we leave you with a reminder to practice a bit of self-care:

The rabbit nibbled on a carrot,

Its ears twitching in the breeze.

It was a beautiful day,

And the rabbit was content.

But then, the rabbit started to think.

It thought about all the things it had to do.

It thought about its work,

Its family,

And its friends.

The rabbit started to feel overwhelmed.

It felt like it couldn’t do it all.

It felt like it was going to break.

But then, the rabbit remembered something.

It remembered that it was important to take care of itself.

It remembered that it needed to relax,

To de-stress,

And to recharge.

So, the rabbit took a deep breath.

It closed its eyes,

And it listened to the sound of the breeze.

The rabbit felt its stress start to melt away.

It felt its muscles relax.

And it felt its mind start to clear.

The rabbit opened its eyes.

It looked around at the beauty of the world.

And it smiled.

The rabbit knew that it would be okay.

It knew that it could handle whatever came its way.

Because it knew how to take care of itself.

The rabbit is a symbol of self-care.

It reminds us to take time for ourselves,

To relax,

And to de-stress.

The rabbit also reminds us to be present in the moment.

To enjoy the simple things in life,

Like the taste of a carrot,

The sound of the breeze,

And the beauty of the world around us.

So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed,

Remember the rabbit.

Remember to take care of yourself,

To relax,

And to de-stress.

And remember to be present in the moment.

Enjoy the simple things in life,

And appreciate the beauty of the world around you.

You are worth it!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need some advice on different sex toys, give us a call to schedule a private consultation with our concierge.

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Temporary Hours:

We're switching our hours until further notice. We will open at 7AM each day. We will close at Midnight on Sundays - Thursdays and 1AM on Fridays and Saturdays.

We will announce any updates, as they become available.

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