Brain Stimulation: July book sale at your fave sex shop

Book enthusiasts, sapiosexuals, and couples who enjoy indulging in literary adventures together, The Fantasy Shoppe is having a book sale.

Close up pictures of books on a shelf at Thee Fantasy Shoppe.

Book enthusiasts, sapiosexuals, and couples who enjoy indulging in literary adventures together! Now is your chance to:

  • Reignite your passion for reading
  • Expand your knowledge
  • Spark your imagination
  • Deepen your connection

Thee Fantasy Shoppe is having a 15 % off book sale at the end of this month (July 27-31st, 2023).

Note: This is for in-store purchases only and excludes magazines.

Whether you’re seeking instructional guides, thought-provoking reads, or purely entertaining stories, our diverse selection (from safe-for-work, to NSFW), Thee Fantasy Shoppe something for everyone!

Ignite Your Sapiosexual Curiosity:

Seeking intellectual stimulation and craving meaningful content? Our book sale is tailor-made for you. Stop by and dive into the depths of philosophy, science, psychology, and literature, and explore the complexities of the human experience. You never know who you might bump into!

Couples Strengthen Your Bond:

Do you get off on sharing literary experiences? This book sale is the perfect opportunity for you and your partner(s) to find some books that will stir your imagination and inspire engaging conversations.

Expand Your Skill Set:

Are you eager to acquire new skills or enhance your existing ones? We have some of the best instructional books to help support your growth and development.

Can’t make it?
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter, and we will let you know when we’re having our next book sale. 

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Temporary Hours:

We're switching our hours until further notice. We will open at 7AM each day. We will close at Midnight on Sundays - Thursdays and 1AM on Fridays and Saturdays.

We will announce any updates, as they become available.

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